tor&co planning, landscape and heritage evidence secures success for Blenheim Estate
An appeal on behalf of Blenheim Estate against West Oxfordshire DC’s refusal of a hybrid application for new housing on an allocated site in Woodstock has been allowed, together with a partial costs award.
Represented by Sarah Reid KC and presenting tor&co’s planning, landscape and heritage evidence, the team were able to demonstrate that the proposal presents a high quality and well-integrated extension of the town, creating a safe and connected community.
The Inspector agreed that any harm to the setting of the Blenheim Palace World Heritage Site and RPG was minor in magnitude, that the effect on the landscape character and setting of Woodstock would be no greater than minor adverse and that these harms were far outweighed by the substantial benefit of delivering 180 market, affordable and custom build new homes.
The Inspector also acknowledged the benefits of an operationally carbon net zero development, with large areas of public open space and significant biodiversity net gain.